Well injection two. They switched sides this time putting it on my left side of stomach. During your injection they ask you about your experience so far on Zoladex. Lucky to have such a supportive nursing staff. They are sensitive, laugh with you, comfort you when upset and let you know their there for you. This is a challenging experience that you feel very alone in. So this helps you vent and helps you feel validated.
There is a flip side to this. Mine is my counselor. Yes, you get a counseling nurse who monitor's you while on treatment. Mine feels like a drop rep pimp, quick to prescribe drugs to help with one side effect to another. Doesn't seem all to bad right? Wrong! You see they give you two sheets of paper to answer questions 1 being Not at all to 5 being all the time. So what are these questions your thinking? Depression questions. Heaven forbid you answer how this past month has made you feel, because you get labeled severely depressed.
The nurse told me that she was going to put me on Prempro for hot flashes and Efexor for depression. I told her I'm not depressed and that everyone once in awhile feels they let someone down or is restless. I've always been restless unable to Sleep etc... I know my body and this is truly hormonal. She didn't listen and said in Two weeks she will check back with me. Finally, and don't be afraid to do this I put my foot down. Told her I was not taking it. I'm happy and just now feeling calm. I'll keep it as back up, but I know my body better than a piece of paper does.
Not only did I shock her there but I blew her out of the water with my next request. I talked to her about wanting my sex drive back. She instantly went into a spiel about how my boyfriend is going to have to be patient, support me in these next 6 months and accept the fact I'll have a low sex drive. Then I said, " Not for him, for me. I want my sex drive back." She was floored. Looked at me oddly. Is that hard to except that yes a women wants her sex drive, or likes sex? I'm 36 not dead. Of course I didn't get any help, just told its only 6 months. I'm not giving up on this topic and will find a natural remedy.
Guess the lesson of this particular blog is only you know your body. Stick up for yourself, research the side effects of what they are giving you. You have a choice.
As for the second dose it hit me hard that night. I went to bed at Nine pm. To only wake up to let out my dog later that evening. When I woke I was disoriented, dizzy, nauseous and had to hold onto thing's to let the dog out. Once I laid down again I felt better. There is still waves of nausea but not as bad yet at the first dose. Here's to a better month hopefully.
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