Where did the time go I'm already on injection number 4? This time no bruise. They put it on the left side. Oh yeah that is what I forgot to tell you. They switch injection spots every other side each month. So here is my silly theory on this. My left side always goes smoother, mentally, side effect wise etc. Which follows my period's. Left side was always easier. Right side with injections and periods seems to be the bad side. Plus, this is where my endo problems are the worst. Funny that just dawned on me.
Okay, let's see have I gained weight for all of You worried about blog's or websites that say Zoladex does this. Nope actually lost weight. Maybe my body isn't bloating as much. I work out just as I've always have. This might be what normal is like. The working out you have read in all my post is what helps true believer in this.
What is working for me bodyrock (daily hiit). Not just plunging this for them to get more hits on their site. They have free workouts and helps you mentally push yourself and reach goals in your home. They've helped me revamp my body and outlook with positive thinking. This helped me relieve cramps during my period and now mentally while dealing with this drug. Rises your endorphins gives me confidence body wise. Remember this works for me. Find something that inspires you. Yoga, daily hiit training, running, walking, WOD or insanity workout's. This is one of the many keys to help our disease girl's. As I said before my Dr. Said, "25 to 60 minutes three to four days a week will help." He is right. I'm choosing to be a true warrior. When I work out I imagine beating this disease. I will not become a victim but a fighter.
Other symptoms. Yes, oddly enough you do still feel when you should ovulate even though your not. Still have cravings but this could be sympathy to your girlfriend's / co- worker's cycle's. Headaches, yes a huge increase.. If you've been reading hot flashes are a big check along with water retension. Dizzy and confusion yes once in awhile. Forgetfulness check. Joint pain/ discomfort, once and awhile. Break through periods, not for me woot, woot! Trust me ladies this is the biggest plus to this drug. Hyperglycemia yes, I've always had it but it has become more prevalent. Easy bruising YES! So annoyed by that. Loss of hair, some but not to noticeable. My hair texture is a tad dry and a lot more does come out along with your normal shedding of hair. So no buying wigs ladies it is small amounts. Breast size decrease, yes I'm down 1/2 cup, no loss there never been that well endowed. Plus side they no longer hurt or tender after injection three. Oh urinate a lot more frequently was not a joke on this symptom. Think I've drove my coworkers nuts on this. Sometimes you will feel tenderness or a cramp around injection site. Not bad and goes away quickly. Nothing as bad as what we are use to. Your breath is sweeter too which is an interesting side effect.
What's in store? Only the month will tell. They are impressed I'm doing so well on the Zoladex. Remaining positive and have little issues. I said what all patients say, " only two more injections to go." The fifth injection I meet up with my Dr. To discuss surgery. My goal get it done before I have my first period off the Zoladex. Heard it is bad and your begging to get back on just to avoid the pain. If I don't oh well I'm use to it. Endo is an vengeful disease. Just knowing I have the tools to beat it is satisfying enough. The key word staying positive.
Hug to everyone going through this or thinking about it. You can do it. Blog about it. If you don't want to be so public as I am. Write in a journal or communicate to love ones. My goal is to help reach out. Document my journey and Hopefully shed light on all that we all go through.
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